• Living Out Your Strengths Series

    Part 1: Be Confident in Your Superpowers

    In this series, join Katie Christy and I as we completely nerd-out on the power of living out your strengths. All of us are good at something. None of us are good at everything. What if you figured out what you are created to do really well, maybe already do really well- and then get even better at it? Welcome to being a superhero.

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    Part 2: What are YOUR Strengths?

    [podbean type=audio-rectangle resource=”episode=uuuuc-97de5b” skin=”1″ auto=”0″ height=100 ]

    Part 3: Strengths Parenting

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  • Fort Lewis Strengths Training April 2018

    My trip to Fort Lewis was a full one!  Three events in one trip.  I had the honor to again speak with the spouses of special ops soldiers.  They have a special place in my heart as they go through a rapid tempo of deployments and trainings.

    The first event was with a small group who went through Sacred Spaces as a Bible Study.  I joined them on the group FB page at various points to connect and encourage them.


    They gave me the best gift ever- one of their group shirts that just happened to have the WW logo on it 🙂


    Next up: and evening of empowering some of the strongest, most elite spouses I have ever met.  We talked about resiliency, but more importantly GRIT

    The following weekend was an opportunity to do another Strengths event for the Fort Lewis PWOC ladies.  We went to a gorgeous camp site where we stayed in cabins that looked like train cars.  It was a fantastic event that ended in a powerful prayer the ladies did over me and my friend Sarah.  I so love these ladies and their prayers (and yours) have more of an impact than you could know.

  • Misawa, Japan Women’s Leadership Conference May 2017

    May 2017

    Corie had an amazing opportunity to go to Misawa Air Force Base, Japan to lead 120 women through the Gallup StrengthsFinders.  This full day workshop event not only invested in each person’s individual talents, but also in learning how to work better with others.  It was an amazing opportunity to invest in an OCONUS installation that often struggles with isolation and depression while being so disconnected from the states.  Lasting relationships were built during a fun and meaningful time together.  Special thank you to the incredible Women’s Ministry Board for all of their hard work pulling off an incredible event!  Day two was all about investing in key leaders to train them up as Coaches in the Gallup StrengthsFinder- a perfect opportunity for mentoring those who attended the outreach event the day before!