Lifegiver Season 2

The Village

One of my favorite things about the last year has been the number of spouses I have spoken with in every season of life. I have thoroughly enjoyed the multi-generational village we live in. It has been very interesting for me to also hear the concerns that each generation has about our community. There are values, opinions, and frustrations that each generation has about where our community has been, where it is now, and hopes for what it can be in the future. I can tell you that our oldest generation, those that are possibly in retirement, were part of a time when there was little to no support for spouses and their families. In response, this incredible generation built the much needed support they needed. Overtime, the military valued their efforts and backed it with the finances and programming that we now have today. On the contrary, the youngest generation has been raised on the convenience of the digital world where most of their connection is with those they have already established relationships from a distance. Our culture is going through a generational shift. Our roles are changing and some of us don’t even realize it. In this podcast, I talk about the benefits of our village and help you see just how valuable of a role you play.