about us

Lifegiver aims to breathe life into military and first responder marriages

honest conversations

Lifegiver provides powerful content that restores service marriages impacted by the military and first responder lifestyle. The Lifegiver Podcast, blogs, and other content engages in honest conversations about tough topics that service marriages are dealing with on a daily basis. We are not afraid to cover topics like infidelity, trauma, exhaustion, and more.

Real Solutions

The military and first responder lifestyle requires a level of sacrifice and grit that can quickly take a toll on a couple. We have found that couples find hope and make better progress with a quick, solution-focused style of care and support that still gets to the root of the problem. Lifegiver provides coaching and consulting to individuals, couples, and families using a strengths approach that restores hope and intimacy in the marriage.

Competent resources

Families do not have time to search endlessly for resources that are specific to the military or first responder lifestyle. Lifegiver provides a one-stop shop to service families by pointing to resources that can enrich their wellbeing as well as culturally competent mental health clinicians through the Lifegiver Clinician Directory- a searchable database of clinicians who are passionate about service families.

The Lifegiver Manifest

What is a Lifegiver?

When we speak, we do not wound, but infuse the conversation with power, truth, and encouragement.

When we serve, our sacrifice inspires others to serve out of the overflow.

When we invest, we are fully present, accepting, and inspire others to be exactly who they are meant to be.

Our success does not intimidate, but motivates others to do what they never thought possible.

Brief encounters aim to inspire life in a soul that has lingered in darkness.

Our strength is often quiet, our warmth contagious, and our confidence is unwavering.

This, we know, cannot come from our own strength.  We believe it is found in humbly accepting our faults and seeing ourselves soberly in need of a God. We cannot breathe life without seeking the One whose breath created life. We cannot inspire without the One who inspires us to forgive. We cannot strengthen without the One who strengthens us.  We cannot learn to love without the One who is love.

Corie Weathers

Founder & CEO of Lifegiver, LLC,

About the Founder

Corie Weathers, LPC, NCC

Founder & CEO of Lifegiver, LLC, 2015 afi Military Spouse of the Year, Author, Speaker, & Clinical Consultant

Corie Weathers, licensed professional counselor (LPC), is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and author of the award-winning book Sacred Spaces: My Journey to the Heart of Military Marriage. Corie has focused her career for the last 20 years as a clinician specializing in marriage, military and first responders, the service culture, and its impact on families.

She has traveled to Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf to visit troops and report on deployment conditions with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and has taught service families across the globe, including Japan.

Corie consults on military and first responder culture, produces content through interviews and videos, and facilitates meaningful and productive sessions and retreats for families on how to live, lead, find purpose, and build relationships using their natural talents.

Her advocacy has included being a part of Second Lady Karen Pence’s Military Spouse’s Employment Working Group and contributing to the passing of a Congressional Bill for licensure portability.