• The Army Has Introduced a New Leadership Value. Here’s Why It Matters

    (As seen on Military.com)

    Corie Weathers is a clinical consultant and subject matter expert on leadership and culture for service organizations and academic institutions. Her family is stationed at Fort Leavenworth, where her spouse, an Army chaplain, is a student. 


    Straight out of the classrooms and lecture halls of the Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) and School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, comes a word that is meant to inspire a new kind of leadership. Jim Collins, author of “From Good to Great,” spoke to 1,200 future military leaders about his decades of research on what influences the most successful companies and institutions. 

    The distinguishing factor of the most successful organizations and those just below them, he shared, comes down to having what he calls a “Level 5 Leader.” While “Level 4 leaders” have effective leadership skills but are more focused on their own egos, Collins describes Level 5 leaders as those who take responsibility when the institution suffers. He pointed to those who sustain the institution when it succeeds. In other words, it all comes down to a leader’s ego. 

    “Humility” has since become a point of conversation within the school and among families in the community. Recent changes to Army doctrine on leadership development sparked dialogue, as humility was introduced alongside empathy as necessary leadership attributes. And it’s in the service’s doctrine. “A leader with the right level of humility is a willing learner, maintains accurate self-awareness, and seeks out others’ input and feedback,” according to Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-22.

    What, then, does it mean to lead America’s military and care for its families with humility?

    At the 2019 Association of the United States Army conference, then-acting Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff Gen. James C. McConville announced that people would be their number one priority as the service’s top leaders. How do they aim to do that? Empower the force by providing members with more autonomy, and model humility by promoting the overall health of the people as the strength of the organization. Rather than dismissing families by putting “the needs of the Army first,” McCarthy and McConville modeled the power of conversation at the conference. In essence, one could see this as an attempt at Level 5 Leadership. 

    McCarthy and McConville are publicly addressing topics such as how people are managed, seeing value in talent as well as issues that affect the family like housing, permanent change-of-station moves, spouse employment, child care and more. 

    The Army’s new talent management system is an excellent example of how one change can impact almost every goal on the service’s list at once. The Assignment Interactive Module version 2, or AIM 2.0, rolled out this year as an online portal for service members to advertise their knowledge and skills by uploading a resume and rank preferences for their next assignment. Meanwhile, units across the globe assessed their needs and searched the portal for individuals who met them. Affectionately referred to as “The Marketplace,” the portal acts as a sort of Match.com for the military. In other words, military families were given more control over their future than ever before.

    Fort Leavenworth families are experiencing this new marketplace first-hand as its more than 1,200 families await new assignments, as happens every December. In the months leading up to assignment distribution, soldiers were encouraged to sit down with their spouses and complete their profile in the marketplace. In case anyone questioned the new idea or the ability of leaders to follow through, McCarthy issued a directive that everyone, every branch, was expected to utilize AIM 2.0 in their assignments process — no exceptions in order to test the first phase of the launch. 

    Access to child care; medical needs; the spouse’s future career opportunities and more could finally be considered as soldiers accessed the portal for open assignments and ranked opportunities that would best serve career and family. Transparency was introduced in a once-bureaucratic system, where families previously could only submit three top location preferences and wait for someone they didn’t know behind a desk to determine their future.

    While AIM 2.0 does not guarantee that a family will get their preference, it did create more conversation than ever before between the soldier and the units they desire to work with. At Fort Leavenworth, students and their spouses attended parties and networking events, and unit commanders looking for talent openly interviewed candidates. Conversations turned into handshakes. Handshakes often turned into orders. 

    So what was the response from spouses on this new approach to the assignments process?  After all, McConville and McCarthy are publicly acknowledging the stress of PCS moves on families and marriages. 

    While much of Fort Leavenworth still awaits actual orders, leaders are strongly encouraging spouses to participate in the process. Being one step removed from their family’s destiny is perhaps a spouse’s most stressful experience, especially when the possibility of secondary income, support, school options for children and more are dependent on where the next assignment is. 

    “Whether we get our first pick or not, participating in the decision process as a couple, the ability to network with assignments that actually want us there and having a say in whether it is a place that is good for our family, improves morale and faith in the institution as a whole once again,” one spouse said. 

    The new AIM system may not give the family their first choice, but it does offer a strong possibility of getting one of their picks. 

    Non-military experts are also highlighting the importance of humility in leadership.

    Steven Covey, son of leadership expert Franklin Covey, introduced “Speed of Trust” as a way for organizations to develop high-trust leaders. The curriculum is used by the Army’s chaplain Corps at marriage retreats. Respect is one of the 13 traits that describes those leaders. 

    Researcher Paul Zak then examined the neuroscience of trust by studying the levels of oxytocin (or “trust hormone”) and following up with a behavioral study of more than 2,000 employees across different companies. Some of his findings? That individuals would rather trade a 20% pay raise for more autonomy over their work and the ability to choose where they use their talents and apply their energy. That’s something research company Gallup has also long investigated and proven as a way to increase productivity while also raising morale.

    This recent pilot launch in the Army system can restore faith in the service’s leaders, but only if leaders authentically share in McConville’s intent. Every military family has experienced the tyranny of serving under a Level 4 leader, but the new message coming from the top builds hope and encourages loyalty in younger generations who rightfully question blind loyalty. After all, we are learning as a society that the very best leaders are those who can trust those they have worked hard to raise up. 

    In the words of Star Wars’s Master Yoda, “We are who they grow beyond, that is the burden of the Master.” 

    Humility, as it turns out, is not a vulnerability. It is a necessity in warfare. To raise up the very best on the battlefield, you must know what drives them beyond love of country. It is to value their love of the family for whom they fight. To settle for anything less is to hit a personal ceiling as a Level 4 leader and risk the entire organization.

  • What I Learned From Winning Military Spouse of the Year

    What happens when you take a woman who serves in the shadows, who is terrified of success and who is flawed like everyone else, and thrust her into the spotlight?

    I have tried many times to communicate what I have learned in the almost three years since I was named 2015 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year, but words cannot contain it.

    I have learned about my own strength, the crippling power of my own weakness, and both the ugliness and beauty that exists in community.

    That intense character growth in such a short time often felt as if I were in a never-ending free fall, while still trying to accomplish everyday tasks.

    I am forever grateful for the award and the doors it opened, but even more for the doors it exposed in my heart that I had not noticed.

    Here is some of what I see now that I couldn’t see before.

    There is great wisdom in listening and learning from those with different viewpoints.

    We are often limited by our own points of view.

    For years, I served “boots on the ground” as a volunteer at events and programming. When you are new to the military, you tend to see all the ways the institution could be doing things differently or better. We rally to make things more modern or culturally relevant. We advocate from the ground up, frustrated by leadership who may not share the same passion.

    This approach is not necessarily wrong. In fact, the next generation can be crucial to any institution’s success. Good leadership must listen to those it leads, but there is great wisdom from those who have gone before us.

    My experience of sitting at the table with wives of generals and mentors who have lived this life for close to 30 years has been eye-opening.

    If we would only listen, there are incredible stories of courage and fierce advocacy that led to the benefits we now freely critique.

    I have been in awe of the character that has been shaped by years of hard work, sacrifice and maturity of our most senior spouses. Each generation carries unique challenges and victories that are meant to be celebrated together.

    We all must listen more.

    The military lifestyle can bring out the best or worst in you.

    As I have listened to your stories, I have heard of both victories and devastation.

    I have seen military spouses do incredible things in their local communities and installations, start their own businesses, advocate on Capitol Hill and run organizations that serve thousands of people in need.

    The military spouse community is a fierce force to be reckoned with when they are at their best.

    But this lifestyle also has a way of sneaking resentment and pride into our hearts before we can even say “America.” In my own life, I vulnerably share in my book “Sacred Spaces” how it impacted my marriage.

    The response from the military spouse community has only confirmed what an epidemic this really is. When you spend most of your life feeling out of control, you will control everything you can get your hands on. This inner tension can eventually breed resentment and bitterness if you don’t keep a close watch on it.

    While there are thousands of military spouses doing great things with a healthy internal drive, there are others who are fueled by the need to have control.

    The only way to truly succeed at whatever we have a desire to do is to keep a light on those dark corners, maintain our priorities and be open to truth from those around you.

    I would have lost everything had I not held onto my faith, listened to my husband and given key friends access to my inner world.

    Outside forces will tempt you away from what will bring you joy.

    There are few things on this planet that can bring you real joy.

    We think it is found in success, our kids’ success, promotion, financial freedom or popularity.

    But I can assure you it is not. It is not found in being relevant, the number of likes in social media, paid gigs or even service to others.

    I have learned in the last few years that there is an enemy that will distract you if he cannot destroy you — and I promise you his goal is to destroy you.

    Most of us think of moral failings or destructive decisions when we think “temptation,” but the stronger, more disabling temptations are in seemingly “good” opportunities.

    Our community, as well as the first responder community, is founded on protecting life and promoting peace. We serve our communities and country by sacrificing what is comfortable and convenient.

    As military spouses, we often feel we are an extension of our service member by giving similarly in our own way.

    It is hard to say “no” to a good thing, whether it is a new nonprofit idea or an unfilled volunteer position.

    Across the globe, I have seen many marriages fall apart because of overservice.

    Work and accomplishments are good for our spirit. There is nothing wrong with finding purpose outside of the home using our unique talents and gifts.

    It is when we find our significance there that it is dangerous. There will never be an end to the need in the world, so we must develop self-control of our calling before our calling controls us.

    Otherwise, we will have nothing to offer.

    Seasons may change how we serve each other in marriage, but peace is found in the roles God created for us.

    I know someone will argue me into the ground on this, but I have lived it and survived to tell you the truth.

    And today I have nothing but gratitude and respect for my husband taking on the home for the last two years while I traveled.

    In many ways, he did a better job at home than I have ever done folding laundry, cooking dinner and picking up sick kids from school.

    I have heard many military spouses utter the resentful words that used to be in my heart, “It’s his turn to revolve around me.”

    I now grieve that I ever entertained that level of selfishness.

    The last two years of role reversal have been equally rewarding and difficult, to say the least.

    Out of love, he wanted me to see my own potential — and I did.

    I hear many service members wanting the same for their spouses, but the grass is not always greener on the other side. Once you get there, you will always want to go back home.

    I constantly fought off an underlying feeling of unbalance and stress. My heart wanted to be home. My attention felt torn, and he felt the same way. It was difficult to concentrate on his own job that provided for our family.

    I kept thinking about Nicole Spaid, the 2015 Marine Corps Spouse of the Year whom the other spouses and I call our “Mother Hen.” She turned down several opportunities during her year with that title so that she could be fully present for her family. Her resolve has more influence in my life than she could ever know.

    Now that my husband and I are finding better balance and taking back the roles that we believe God created in us, we are finding peace in what we believe He originally designed.

    I recently saw a quote by Mother Teresa that could not be a better summary of my last few years: “If you want to bring happiness to the world, go home and love your family,” she said.

    As much as I find purpose in serving others, this season has taught me that there is no greater joy than being at rest with my God and at home with my family.

    Entering into this next season, my eyes are open to loving my family with my best first, and then offer the world what I have second.