Military Spouse Advocacy

Breathing life into clinicians that serve

Leveraging our best assets to solve the military mental health crisis.

The War Department must fully utilize, immediately and effectively, the largest and potentially the finest single source of labor available today- the vast reserve of woman power.

Henry L. Stimson

Secretary of War, 1943

Advocate, Military Spouse Clinician, and CEO of Lifegiver

Military spouse advocacy does not have to be about female employment.  But there is a lot we can learn from how World War 2 united the country by employing those back at home and giving them a part to play. It is about leveraging the strengths of the community we already have at our fingertips to create a stronger force- a healthier force that will be able to reintegrate back into society and be our future nation’s leaders.

Corie Weathers, LPC, NCC

Advocate, Military Spouse Clinician, and CEO of Lifegiver

Lessons learned from WWII

Active duty military spouses make up nearly 1 million of today’s American population1, millions more are married to a veteran. While not all spouses are women, 92% are2 and they are talented, gifted, and equally loyal to their country.

World War II got something right.  It was out of necessity that leveraged close to 6 million women into the workforce to support war efforts and fill in the vacancy left behind by the draft.  The result was the integration of those who were sent with those who sent them.


Lessons learned from Vietnam

Following Vietnam, we realized more than ever that our servicemembers and their families not only need the support of the country they served, but the mental health care to be able to reintegrate back into society.  With a current suicide rate of 22 veterans a day (including some of our most recent young veterans) and military spouse suicide on the rise, having mental health providers that are trained, passionate, and culturally competent in the challenges and strengths of military life is crucial.

What if we had everything we needed to address the mental health needs in military families?

Military spouses can be that answer​...

Military spouse behavioral health clinicians are already culturally competent, experienced, loyal, and ready to serve.

Telehealth: A modern approach to mental health Care

OUR NEED: Culturally competent clinicians that can provide mental health care face-to-face and remotely to those in rural locations or are appropriate for online telemental health.

We know that military families and veterans prefer culturally competent clinicians that not only understand them, but are passionate to see them whole.3  In addition, they want to use their benefits in order to financially afford the mental health care they need.  This is most often through Veteran Affairs (VA) and Tricare. This means they need clinicians that preferably have lived the lifestyle, contracted with their benefits, and quickly and conveniently located.

OUR ANSWER: Utilize military spouse mental health clinicians as culturally competent assets to treat the mental health needs of military families through telemental health.

Military spouse clinicians are:

Are you a military spouse mental health clinician or student?

So what's the problem?

my story as a military spouse clinician

Current issues

What DHA/TRICARE Contracting can do:

Encourage Humana/HealthNet to:

What can DOD do?


Everyone Wins!!


Military spouse clinicians are practicing all over the globe with many that are in school, finishing degrees and eager to serve.

Lots of research has been shown in the benefit and effectiveness of culturally competent, military connected clinicians.  Click here for more.

” Anecdotal evidence suggests that when servicemembers or veterans seek behavioral healthcare services, the clinician undergoes an initial litmus test of trust that includes the question, “With all respect, are you a veteran?” or “Did you serve?” Failure to earn the servicemember or veteran’s trust, especially during the initial meetings, increases the likelihood that the therapeutic alliance will erode. As such, it becomes imperative for clinicians to develop military cultural competence, particularly if they are not military-connected. ” Click here to read more

” The VA MISSION Act, among other things, removes all geographic and licensing barriers to VA telehealth, thereby allowing veterans to access VA telehealth services in their communities from any location in the United States, U.S. territories, District of Columbia, and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.” Click here to read more

“Telemental health care can provide effective and adaptable solutions to the care of mental illnesses universally. While being comparable to in-person services, telemental health care is particularly advantageous and inexpensive through the use of current technologies and adaptable designs, especially in isolated communities.” Click here to read more

Get involved...

What can YOU DO?

ad·vo·ca·cy| \ ˈad-və-kə-sē

the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal

Are you a military spouse behavioral health clinician? Join the hundreds who have already shared their story and struggle to build their career by taking the survey.

Take the Survey

We believe the Rosie Riveters of World War 2 launched one of the most patriotic times in our nation’s history as well as launched a path for female employment that changes the course of history. It is time to see that happen again, for our military, our military spouses, and our country.

We want to record your story.  Whether you were a riveter, a nurse, or did any other job that supported the military or service members.   Please reach out to us by telling us a little bit about yourself and we will be in touch on how we can help you share your story.

Fill out this form to contact your Rosie for an interview!

Everything you need to be informed and advocate- all on one sheet of paper. Take this one sheet to your Congressmen, your professional state boards, Governors, the DoD, and those within the Department of Health Agency/TRICARE.


Use the form below to:


1. (2019). Retrieved 22 January 2019, from

2. Luby, Christi Ann.  “Health Assessment for Loved Ones: Development and Validation of a new instrument to measure well-being in Military Spouses.” PhD Diss., University of Texas, El Paso, 2015.




Additional references used:

Telehealth effectiveness:

VA Telehealth:

Service Members Prefer a Psychotherapist Who is a Veteran: