Fort Drum Strengths Training
It was another great event at Fort Drum, NY! The women’s PWOC invited the military spouses of Fort Drum to discover their strengths and find a new sense of purpose. Each time I do this, I am more convinced that our military spouses are in need of encouragement now more than ever. With an increase in military tempo around the world and the continued struggle to find employment, spouses are exhausted. What I absolutely LOVE about living out your strengths is that it opens your eyes to who God designed you to be. There may be talents that you don’t even know you have! There may be talents that other people in your life have said were weaknesses- but only because they don’t see the world the way you do.
At Fort Drum, spouses were emotional as they discovered the truth about themselves. That there was far more to love about themselves than they thought. Lies from the enemy were shown for what they were and the truth of God prevailed. Lives were changed. Women were set free. Women walked away affirmed in their current purpose and others discovered plans for a new direction in their life.