Find a Military/FR Counselor

Military spouse, veteran, or first responder clinicians near you

**This is a current map showcasing current military spouse, first responder spouse, veteran, and first responder mental health clinicians.  Providers are responsible for keeping information up to date.  Please contact the provider or visit links for more accurate information.  Corie Weathers, LLC and the Lifegiver brand is not responsible for the level of care providers provide.  Providers are not vetted beyond collecting basic information. 

It is up to the client to vet all licenses and gather important information before making a decision for care.

If you would like your professional information included, you must be one or more of the following:

  • Military or first responder spouse
  • Military, veteran, or first responder (active or retired)
  • Current chaplain that works with military and/or first responder families

Please send your information by clicking blow:

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To search within this database, click on full screen mode (top right corner) and use search icon in top left corner.  Search by state, name, etc.


  • Military/FR Spouse

First Responder

  • Veteran